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Hotels & Restaurants

Information on government / private level hotels, motels, restaurants, rest houses, guest houses, post bungalows and other accommodation in the upazila.



Name of Upazila / Thana / Place

Name and address of hotel / motel / restaurant / rest house / guest house / post bungalow etc. (Phone, Fax & E-mail - if any)

The name of the operator / owner (official or private should be mentioned separately

Number of Rooms and Beds (Single, Double, Triple Bed / AC-Non-AC Rooms, Rental Rates etc. must be specified separately)


Upazila Parishad DakBanglo -  
Sundarganj Brac Rest House    
Sundarganj Nasha Hotel and Restaurents    
Sundarganj Mintu Hotel and Restaurent    
Sundarganj Sagor Hotel and restaurent